Friday, June 26, 2009

Our fun movie day...

The kids were excited about movie day today! They had forgotten (and I wisely didn't mention it) until I reminded them of it after lunch! My original movie choice didn't arrive from netflix in time so last night I ran to Redbox at McD's and got Stanley the Stinkbug Goes to Camp. Cute little movie and only about 35 minutes which was perfect since we had spent the last two hours playing outside and they were exhausted.
Can you guess what the best part was? Yep....getting to have yummy treats while watching the movie. I bought these cute popcorn containers at the dollar store and put some little crackers, teddy grahams and popcorn in them -- it was a hit! Luna thought it looked yummy too!

Just sharing a cute picture of Taylor who loves to find little places to hide...

Ladybugs hiding in the grass....

Sorry for taking so long to update but if you only knew how frustrating it is to try to upload anything on my dinosaur of a computer.....grrrrrrrr. I get almost all done and then everything freezes!

Pictures of the children creating ladybugs...we used potatoes and lots of messy paint, glue, and cutting.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Friday Movie Date

Hi parents,

The children have been talking about movies all morning and I was thinking it would be fun to have a "movie" day this Friday here at my house. I know the children would love it for two reasons....they get to watch TV and it would be in "the other room" (LOLOLOL) as that is the only place we can watch DVD's. Anyway....I would like suggestions of movies that you all feel would be appropriate and then I'll ok it with each of you. I need to order from Netflix pretty soon to get it here by Friday so today and tomorrow for ideas would be great! Thanks!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A quiet week.....

Well, it's been a quiet week without Ali, Marcus and Riley. Last week we said goodbye to Riley as he makes a transition over the summer and heads to second grade! We may see Marcus and Ali a time or two during the summer (Mom and Dad are teachers). We will definitely see Ali back in the fall and Marcus has now finished kindergarten and is off to first grade!

I wish I could show you pictures of the children's activities this week know.....Father's Day is Sunday so sssssshhhhhhh, it's a surprise!:-)

Thank you Nolan, for sharing homemade strawberry jam with us! YUMMMMM!

Scarlett reading her Ladybug books to Luna. OK so maybe she was more like protecting them from Luna's a cute picture! hehe We enjoyed the books at circle - thank you!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Friday!

The children playing a yummy beehive game I made. They put honeycomb cereal on the circles, roll the dice, count the dots and take that many off of the beehive mat. Then they enjoy a yummy snack of honeycomb cereal.

The littles looking....well...tired! We played and played and played outside and when we came in they were hungry and tuckered. I'm sure they were thinking "hey, could you just forget the picture and feed us some lunch!" (hehe)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Buzzy Beeeeeeeeeees

There's been a whole lot of buzzing this week! Here is the preschool gang with their bumble bees. I gave them a strip of yellow paper, wiggly eyes and strips of black paper and they went to town. They will look great next to their beehives!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The 8 Rules of Toddler Play

This is cute...and true!

The 8 Rules of Toddler Play (and maybe a wee bit older as well!)

1. If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it's in my hand, it's mine.
3. If I can take if from you, it's mine.
4. If I had it a little time ago, it's mine.
5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way, shape, or form.
6. If I'm doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it looks like mine, it's mine.
8. If I think it's mine, it's mine.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Couple more picts....

For some reason blogger won't let me upload more than a few pictures at a time -- here are a couple more...
Our finished beehives hanging in the window...
My grandson - just plain cute!

This week's BUZZZZZZZZ.........

Since I'm only open three days this week I thought I would recap with a few pictures.

Nolan and Ali with their Bee puppets we made on Monday.

Our beehives in progress....first they painted sheets of bubble wrap with yellow and a little brown paint. Then they pressed their beehive patterns to make a fun honeycomb design.

Stuffing their beehives with strips of newspaper.

The group having a yummy snack with watermelon Kiley shared with us (and Erin....Happy Birthday Erin)!

The littles enjoying fishy crackers (thank you, Scarlett and Maryanne)!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.....Sarah will be here on Monday and I will see you all on Tuesday!