Friday, April 30, 2010

Doctor Appointment

Hi parents,

I have my follow-up appointment for my foot on May 18, 2010. I need to be in the Sherwood office by 4:10 for an x-ray prior to seeing the doctor at 4:50. I will need the children picked up early -- 3:30 if possible. Please let me know if that will not work for you. Thank you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Weather and Earth Day

Pictures from our daily activities....

The children made cloud and rain windsocks. They also made storm clouds using black, white and purple paint. Instead of using brushes the children used glue spreaders to move and swirl the paint. We haven't finished our suns yet...hopefully soon!

Today was Earth Day. We talked about using our resources and not being wasteful (remember how Julia always asks you to color on both sides of the paper?) - and then made the Earth using coffee filters, blue and green food coloring.

And playing....

Jocey doing something funny (over and over) and making Grady laugh...

Scarlett made a ramp for her car with the wooden blocks...

Addie doing what she loves....coloring!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A few pictures....

A couple of pictures of our week....

Nolan stringing the beads I bought from the Dollar Tree (not the best but the kiddos like them)....what's this? that?......noooooooo can't be.........yellow and green? Even Jocey looks worried.........(hehe)........Hmmmmmmm.......I'm just sayin'..........:-)

The cloud and rain windsocks...they look beautiful in our window!

And last but not least.....this is the broken bone is 5 x 2 x 1.....see the yellow says not STEP ON....I kid you not! (ok, maybe a little)....

Thank you, everyone...for being so understanding this week. I will need to make an appointment next week but will, hopefully, be able to get someone to come here and help with the children during that time.