Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday, Monday

Have you ever seen such serious faces?! They are working so hard on their icicles! As I was explaining what we were doing today they all said "Oh, like we did last year!" I guess I need to write things down so I don't duplicate year after year. I told them we could do something else but they were ready to tear and glue - two of their favorite activities!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Snowy Day

Our activites this week have included one of my favorite books "The Snowy Day."

Kiley, Nolan and Ali cutting their snowflakes. Notice they are "posing" - such hams!

Nolan mixing the blue food coloring.
Ali dipping the snowflake (coffee filter) and watching the blue color spread.

Ta Da!

Catching up....

The Littles coloring...

Scarlett showing the process of drawing circles:-).....

Grady explaning the results of using red and blue together:-)......

Taylor proving that tongue placement is so important to creativity.....